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Effective solution of a linear system with Chebyshev coefficients." Integral Transforms and Special Functions 20, no. 8 (2009): 619-628. Abstract
Electrolocation Sensors in Conducting Water Bio-Inspired by Electric Fish." IEEE Sensors Journal (2013).
Electrorotation of Arbitrarily Shaped Micro-Objects: Modeling and Experiments." IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 25, no. 2 (2020): 828-836.
Experimental Platform for Boundary Control of Mechanical Frenkel-Kontorova Model." In 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 7618-7623. Vol. 8. Cancun, Mexico: IEEE, 2022. Abstract