Dr. Dariusz Horla (Poznan University of Technology): Control engineering problems at the Institute of Control and Information Engineering of PUT

Tue, 05/24/2016

Everybody is welcome to attend this presentation of our two visiting professors from Poznan University of Technology in Poland - Dr. Dariusz Horla and Dr. Wojciech Giernacki. They are staying with us the whole week, May 23-27, and this seminar is an opportunity to see what they (and their colleagues) are doing. The seminar will take place in K26 lab (not in the K14 seminar room as usual), will start at 10 am and will take 1 hour.

Abstract: The presentation outlines the topics covered by research carried out at Institute of Control and Information Engineering of PUT, both from robotics and control engineering. Basic introduction to the problems solved will be given, with necessary illustrations, e.g. in the case of quadrotor control, stabilisation of a bicycle robot, feedback linearization approach to control of nonlinear systems, directional change in multivariable control or patricle filters modifications.