Eggstatic – stroboscopic patterns for Easter eggs

Last year we did an Easter video with an EggBot drawing various mathematically generated patterns. They were inspired by equations describing Spirograph and harmonograph. The video was quite popular so we decided to take it a bit further this year. The patterns are now calculated in such a way that when rotated under a stroboscopic light of suitable frequency or when recorded by a camera, they start to animate. It is kind of zoetrope--- early device for animation. Eggs were painted using EggBot (designed by Bruce Shapiro as open hardware and available as a kit from EvilMadScientist). To draw on eggs, we used standard permanent markers and an electro kistka with bee wax followed by dying. Eggs are rotated at a constant speed, special for each pattern, by a brushless motor. No computer graphics tricks are used in the video. Happy Easter.

Related and interesting links:

Stroboscopic effect:


Video: Eggstatic – stroboscopic patterns for Easter eggs