Graphical System Design in Controls, Mechatronics and Robotics – a seminar by National Instruments

Tue, 03/20/2012

Time: 8:30 - 13:00
Room: KN:E-2
Location: CTU in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Karlovo namesti 13, Prague 2, Building E

National Instruments is proud to present a hands-on seminar organized in cooperation with the Department of Control Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU in Prague. Join this event to learn about the latest trends in engineering education and research and gain practical skills in graphical programming with NI LabVIEW.

Join this event to see the latest trends in engineering education and research. Some of the topics discussed include:

  • Complete control design cycle – from requirements to prototype and verification
  • Control engineering education – a practical approach
  • Rapid Prototyping of control systems
  • Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing
  • Mobile Robotics


8:30-9:30 National Instruments’ platforms that enable hands-on education and cutting edge research

During this session we will talk about the latest trends we see in engineering education and experimental research, especially in the fields of controls, robotics and mechatronics. Different hardware and software platforms from NI enable tackling those challenges by offering a platform approach called Graphical System Design.

10:00-13:00 Hands-on seminar: Control Design, Simulation and Rapid Prototyping on CompactRIO

During this 3-hour seminar you will have a chance to learn basics of NI LabVIEW and Control Design and Simulation Toolkit to develop a control algorithm for a DC motor connected to NI CompactRIO – Programmable Automation Controller from NI.

The number of seats on the hands-on session is limited, so we kindly ask you to register before the event, by sending an email to register [dot] czech [at] ni [dot] com with your name, phone number and department you work for. Your personal data will be used to send you information regarding the seminar.


Image: NI logo small