Prof. Noboru Sakamoto (Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan): Engineering applications of stable manifold method for nonlinear optimal control

Fri, 03/18/2016

Everybody is welcome at another Friday Control Theory seminar featuring a special guest - prof. Noboru Sakamoto. The seminar will start at 11am at K14 room and will take 60 minutes.

Abstract: In recent years, a new approach for solving Hamilton-Jacobi equation in nonlinear optimal control has been proposed based on stable manifold theory. We have been working on the development of Matlab program to perform the computational framework. In this talk, I will introduce how this computational framework works for real engineering problems using laboratory experiments. The experiments include Furuta pendulum swing up and stabilization as well as Furuta flexible pendulum. I will also show Acrobot swing up control and if time allows, I will talk about how to incorporate various constraints such as input magnitude limitation or more general constraints often imposed in industry application.
Prof. Sakamoto's webpage is at