Tomáš Haniš successfuly defended his doctoral thesis

Congratulations to Dr. Tomáš Haniš! The defense of his thesis on "Active control for high capacity flexible aircraft" was attended by many members of the department and the group. Presence of a reviewer from abroad - Prof. Martin Kozek from TU Wien - raised the event into a somewhat international level. Presence of other reviewers - Prof. M. Schlegel from University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and Prof. Z. Šika from CTU in Prague and other experienced committee members such as Prof. Vladimír Kučera kept the defense at some pace and "temperature". The thesis can be dowloaded here.

Tomáš's next stage is a full-time position of a research engineer at Eurocopter division of EADS near Munich. What a start of a research carreer!

Image: Tomáš Haniš presenting his doctoral thesis
Image: Tomáš Haniš defending his doctoral thesis
Image: Prof. Andreas Wildschek asking some question at Tomáš Haniš's doctoral defense
Image: Tomáš Haniš passionately arguing with prof. Petr Hušek during his defense
Image: Tomáš Haniš and the committee finally relaxed