Transfer functions in consensus systems with higher-order dynamics and external inputs

TitleTransfer functions in consensus systems with higher-order dynamics and external inputs
Publication TypeTechnical reports
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsHerman, Ivo, Dan Martinec, and Michael Šebek

This paper considers transfer functions in consensus systems where agents have identical SISO dynamics of arbitrary order. The interconnecting structure is a directed graph. The transfer functions for various inputs and outputs are presented in simple product forms with a similar structure of the numerator and the denominator. This structure combines the network properties and the agent model in an explicit way. The link between a higher-order and a single-integrator dynamics is shown and the polynomials of the transfer function in the single-integrator system are related to the graph properties. These properties also allow to generalize a result on the minimal dimension of the controllable subspace to the directed graphs.

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