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Verze z 25. 10. 2010, 10:24, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky) (Obsah stránky nahrazen textem „{{:Main Page/cs}}“)
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Kontakty na jednotlivé IT zaměstnance na KN včetně jejich kompetencí naleznete v pokračování textu.

direction a suivre 3 yve 01.svgČíst dále..

This is a HelpDesk support site of the Department of Control Engineering, FEE, CTU in Prague. The official website of the Department of Control Engineering can be found at http://control.fel.cvut.cz If you want any informaton about another department from CVUT on Karlovo náměstí, you may try here.

It is space for:

  • presentation web sites students projects and ours laboratories
  • presentation teaching projects of students
  • publication private web pages of students and employees of the DCE
Upozornění Laboratory machines of DCE use for authentication CTU main password and username. Web apps using authorize by CTUid (use CTU password). More about passwords is on: Hesla na ČVUT/FEL

Another information systems of DCE FEE:

work.svg Problem and fault reporting systems...
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