Provided binutils are compiled with shared BFD library and are able to disassemble and work with many different processors object formats. Running of "ldconfig" is required after installation of
More informations about m68k, m683xx and ColdFire tools can be found at next sites:
The archives of development tools for CygWin environment are stored in the directory m68k/tools/cygwin.
The archives of development tools for MinGW environment are stored in the directory archive/mingw/tools.
Setup of Dev-C++ for m68k cross-compilation is described in in one of next paragraphs. There has been found problem with Dev-C++ invocation of MinGW Make and GCC program invocation. There has not been found problems with CygWin based cross-compilation tools invocation.
Setup of Dev-C++ for m68k cross-compilation is described in in one of next paragraphs. There has been found problem with Dev-C++ invocation of MinGW Make and GCC program. Dev-C++ works well with CygWin based cross-compilation tools.
cd /usr/src
tar -xzf m683xx-bdm-driver-040618.tar.gz
cd m683xx-bdm-driver-040618
make install
depmod -a
should install binary of the driver into right place.
Device nodes must be created by provided "./MAKEDEV" command
for static "/dev" tree. When "devfsd" is used, device nodes
are created on fly. Default driver compilation setup uses
Linux Parport layer to access priter port. If the driver is compilled
without parport support then
Printer driver should be unloaded by
/sbin/modprobe -r lp parport_pc parport
And driver can be loaded by
/sbin/modprobe bdm
That process can be automated as described in the driver associated
README or in detailed description in the bdm_driver.pdf
file. Making of symbolic link "bdm" in the "/dev" directory pointing
to used interface is expected in next examples
cd /dev
ln -s icd_bdm0 bdm
equivalent to managing of link for devfsd setup
"/dev/bdm" -> "/dev/m683xx-bdm/icd0".
Next step is to unpack gcc-m68k-coff-3.4.3-bin.tar.gz archive
in "/" directory or better in temporary directory and manual
move to "/". Check if some files are overwritten and make appropriate
backup of original files. Run "ldconfig" command
Provided sample application named simple should compile by "make" command now.
Connect the MO_CPU1/2 board to computer by serial cable. Install seyon-2.20c.tar.gz simple terminal, look at example configuration in archive/linux/tools/seyon68-cfg.tar.gz archive, copy "seyon68" somewhere on the path and copy initialization script into ".seyon" subdirectory in your home directory. Open terminal for right device (/dev/ttyS0 = COM1, /dev/ttyS1 = COM2). Connect board to power supply +5VDC/500mA. Next banner should appear.
# SIMPLE v0.5 build Pi Mar 26 2002 21:44:27
# test mode enabled
# kl41_lcd_init : -1
# date : 2002-03-28 01:49:57
You can type "help" command to see sample "simple"
application accepted commands. Commands names in
uppercase letters are part of motion controller
set and requires character ":" for assignment of value and
character "?" for query. Other commands are simple command line
tests. "date" can be used for date/time read and when new
value in same format is appended, date is adjusted to that value.
Commands for flash tests can be applied only to that chip,
which is not used for instruction fetches (ie. "flashid 0x900000")
is OK, but (ie. "flashid 0x800000") is not, when code runs from FLASH.
Command "gdbbreak" can be used for establish of serial GDB stub debugging.
It takes one parameter - level :
(gdb) p $pc=$pc+2
to skip breakpoint instructionMake sure, that logic ground of mc68376 microcontroller is interconnected with PC chassis ground before plugging BDM interface parallel port cable. Plugging of cable when there is voltage differential between MO_CPU1/2 board and PC parallel port can lead to damage of the chip.
When same ground and supply is used for RS232 interface and the microcontroller core (no galvanic isolation), interconnection of RS232 cable is enough for voltage rejection and board grounding. Connect BDM interface cable. Power board up.
Start command "m68k-coff-gdb" (or "gdb68" shortcut) in the directory with the right debugger initialization file ".gdbinit68" and "cpu32init" SIM initialization files. Bellow is session example
bash-2.05# gdb68
GNU gdb
This GDB was configured as "--host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --target=m68k-bdm-coff"
Now set breakpoint
(gdb)b main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x31d8: file simple.c, line 1443.
download and execute application image "simple"
(gdb) run
Starting program: /root/m683xx/simple/simple
Do you want to download '/root/m683xx/simple/simple'
(y or n) y
Both LEDs on BDM interface should lit for while.
Then should both switch-off and immediately freeze LED
should lit again as address of breakpoint is reached
Breakpoint 1, main () at simple.c:1443
1443 { unsigned flags=0;
Continues application in full-speed and example commands
could be set through serial terminal.
Now you can use "Ctrl+c"
to stop and then "s", "c",
"p <variable>"
commands or you can install Insight or DDD front-ends from archives
ddd-3.3.1.tar.gz and
Gdb macro "bdm_hw_init" defined in "run376.gdb" can be invoked at any time
to reset target when GDB debug session is run. Automatic reset and setup
of target before subsequent "run" commands can be requested by GDB command
"bdm_autoreset on". This command uses "cpu32init" in current directory
to setup SIM registers.
To place breakpoint into function "do_trap" could be useful for
exception catching in the "simple" application during development.
Both prepared versions of Linux GNU debugger (plain version
"gdb68" and TclTk version Insight "m68k-coff-insight") were
were tested with BDM interface (target bdm /dev/m683xx-bdm/icd0)
and serial (target remote /dev/ttyS1 equivalent to target remote COM2 for windows).
Serial stub of in the "simple" MO_CPU2 application can be invoked
by terminal command "bdmbreak'.
DDD fronted can be invoked for plain gdb (ddd68) as well.
Look to the directory "doc/bdm" for more informations about Linux
BDM debugging.
The full reference documentation for GNU debugger is placed in the directory
There is runtime GDB "help" command as well.
Typing of "help bdm_" and pressing Tab key for completion lists all BDm subcommands.
Then help for each of them can be retrieved. The full BDM documentation is
BDM debbuging article.
The delivered MO_CPU1/2 boards are tested and then simple application is written
into FLASH memory. When board is powered, it sends startup message
message to the RS-232 port and then receives simple commands.
The communication speed is set to 9600 Bd without parity and with one stop-bit.
This way correctness and functionality of RS-232 interconnection can be checked.
Next step is to interconnect BDM interface with target board
and PC computer printer port (LPT1).
Make sure, that logic ground of mc68376 microcontroller
is interconnected with PC chassis ground before plugging
BDM interface parallel port cable. Plugging of cable when
there is voltage differential between MO_CPU1/2 board
and PC parallel port can lead to damage of the chip.
An example of the cross-compiled project can be found in "/m683xx"
directory. There is "simple" application as
template for MO_CPU2 development. Commands to compile
make clean
make flash
generates RAM image "simple"
and FLASH image "flash".
The directory "boot" contains
board setup boot block "mo_flashbb".
Built application can be downloaded and run in target by GDB command line debugger.
Windows version of GDB loads initialization script .gdbinit and access
printer port at address 0x378 when target bdm /dev/bdmicd0 is selected.
Same commands as for Linux GDB environment can be used.
Application can be load into RAM even by batch utility bdmctrl.
This way is even defined as Makefile target
make ram-load
Next procedure is used to download application image into FLASH memory.
make flash-burn
This erases FLASH memory and writes linked flash image
into FLASH memory. The example uses only slow host write method. Target assisted flashing
can be prepared for larger applications.
A linker scripts are used to define RAM and FLASH memory regions.
- mo_cpu1-1005.ld-cfg
- MO_CPU1/2 populated with 1MB RAM, 0.5MB FLASH
- mo_cpu1-1010.ld-cfg
- MO_CPU1/2 populated with 1MB RAM, 1MB FLASH
- mo_cpu1-2020.ld-cfg
- MO_CPU1/2 populated with 2MB RAM, 2MB FLASH
- mo_cpu1.ld-cfg
- Actually selected configuration included by other scripts
- mo_cpu1.ld-ram
- Memory layout for linking of application into RAM region
- mo_cpu1.ld-flash
- Memory layout for linking of application text and data initialization values
into FLASH. Space for read/write data and BSS is allocated in RAM region
- mo_cpu1.ld-boot
- Setup for building board initialization code stored FLASH boot block
Dev-C++ use with CygWin m68k tools
New compiller settings needs to be defined for use of Dev-C++ for cross development.
Tools -> Compiler Options is used to define new compiller set.
Cannonical target name m68k-coff is used in the example.
The CygWin binary directory has to be added to the binaries paths listing.
Command names of cross-compiller utilities used for target has to be defined.
These options are held in c:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data
directory. Configuration with m68k-coff target defined can be found in the provided file
The project of target application has to specify name and set of used tools.
Some additional sub-architecture selecting options should be specified.
The linker script selection is mandatory to generate image for correct
memory region.
The example of project file for simple application can be found in
ther file
More documentation
Documentation is distributed between local copies and online references.
- Linux BDM debugging
- Article about BDM debugging
- Datasheets
- Datasheets for the components used on the MO_CPU2 board
- HTML documentation for GNU tools
- NEWLIB C Library
Drawings for the second revision of the board
- PiKRON WWW pages
All software and documentation is provided in hope to be useful,
but there is not WARRANTY of any kind.
All GNU software is freely distributable when contitions written in COPYING
file are met. We hope, that we have met all requirements by providing sources and configuration examples
of used software.
Example "simple" and m68k serial GDB stubs are provided without copyright restrictions
for use as template for real world embedded applications.
RTEMS copyright should be suitable for embedded applications as well.
This CD-ROM can be copyed freely .