Bc. Adam Uchytil
Bc. Adam Uchytil
- Member for
- 1 year 9 weeks
Graduate student • uchytada [at] fel [dot] cvut [dot] cz

Adam is a first-year graduate student. He joined the group already as an undegrad through the final project on Trajectory planning for distributed magnetic manipulation. He now continues in that research direction and feels challenged by the idea to steer not just rigid robots in a magnetic field but also liquid ones.
Katedra řídicí techniky FEL ČVUT
Karlovo náměstí 13, building E, room 8
11 121 35 Praha
Web links:
Final undergraduate project (thesis)
"Trajectory Optimization for Distributed Manipulation by Shaping a Physical Field",
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, pp. 10111-10117, 2023.