Private webpages/en

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Employees or student of our the department may have publicly available personal website. The only requirement is account on the server CONTROL (Novell), create subdirectory public.www and set the appropriate rights.

For creating subdirectory and setting access you may used Novell Client in Windows environments, or ncpmount and www access to novell home directory over address ( employee ) or ( student )

Mounting over ncpmount

Upozornění You must install package ncpfs (on Debian or Ubuntu)
ncpmount -S -A -U login_to_novell -C -m -V USERS/login_to_novell local_mount_point
ncpmount -S -A -U login_to_novell -C -m -V USERS/login_to_novell local_mount_point

On mounted volume you create subdirectory public.www and do copy content for your web pages into it.

Allow access for web

  1. Sign up through a web interface for Novell shared disc (use link on top)
  2. After authorization, go to your user directory ( Volumes USERS -> your_novell_login )
  3. And over click on icon "info" for public.www directory you may allow access for user DCEWebControl on CONTROL, or user DCEWebKstudent on KSTUDENT
write into input field User Name for button "Add Truste"
and emploee
write as User name
Upozornění After send field content over button "Add Truste" you must set access rights. Check only "Read" and "File scan".

Directory publishing

After creating the directory and set rights you write e-mail to the IT administrator (IT contacts) with request for publication. Internet address for your site will be: http://support.dce.felk.cvut/pub/your_novell_login

Restrictions for personal website

Pages must meet the following conditions:

  • links in the website can not be absolute but only relative
  • directory should contain at least an empty index.html or index.php. In the event that this is not the contents of the directory normally delisted
  • sites can use php scripting, but due to the fact that the published directories are connected only with read, you can not use applications that require writing to disk. (Such cases need to be addressed to personal)