Slotcar Platooning Algorithms

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Verze z 17. 4. 2014, 17:35, kterou vytvořil Hermaiv2 (diskuse | příspěvky) (→‎Possible improvement)
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General description

Possible improvement

  • Create a new version of the terminal, which would take the list of addresses and list of parameters and values. This will be used for fast value settings such as start of measurement, desired distance setting etc.
    • The call of the function is: >> termp "[1,2,3, 10]" "param_name_1" "param_value_1" "param_name_2" "param_value_2" ..., where "[1,2,3, 10]" specifies the adrresses to which the params should be set (in this case addresses 1,2,3,10), the pair "param_name" and "param_value" specifies the name of the parameter to set in the car and its value. The sequence "param_name" "param_value" can repeat up to 10 times to set 10 parameters in one call. Maybe the quotation marks are not necessary.
  • Implement also demodulation of cars own frequency in front measurement. When the signal from the predecessor is low and its own demodulated signal is high, it means there is an obstacle on the track and the car should brake. Anti-Kristian safety measure :-).
  • Create the parameter "asymmetry" to change the level of asymmetry of each car. This allows smooth conversion between symmetric control and predecessor following.

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