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Small processor system equipped by touch screen and LCD for monitoring and control

Author: Radek Pupák

Bakalářské práce 2008

Download thesis in PDF

This work purpose is driver of analog touchscreen for Linux on desk PiMX1. Desk is build-up on the processor Freescale DragonBall M9328 MX1. This proccesor contains analog/digital conventor designed for the analog touchscreen. Driver is writen for Linux 2.6.24 kernel, but it could be also usable in the latest version of kernel.

The bachelor thesis also deal with theory, describing technologies of the touchscreen panels, desing and potentials of PiMX1 desk, some of properties of used processor and also describing oportunities of A/D convertor. The work also introduse operating system Linux on ARM platform and setting of kernel compilation for used desk. The work describing theory of writing Linux drivers as module and describe its function. The work also describing oportunities of driver integration in user graphics environment Nano-X trought Tslib project.

Bp 2008 pupak radek.pdf