
This page can be continually updated. Find me on the semestral work page.

This page should hold notes for semestral project submission.

1   Preliminary tests

Mandatory parts for your semestral project are:

  • Proper implementation of motor control without losing position.
    • That said, you should track the reference with only minor error (at the end of the spin).
    • Reminder: We want you to track the absolute position, i.e., one motor spins three times, the other one have to spin three times as well.
    • Try to: spin motor fast/slow, hold one motor, etc.

When you meet all these criteria, you are ready for submission.

2   Evaluation

Your semestral project is evaluated according to the assessment on the semestral project webpage. Therefore, you should show parts where:

  • PWM generator is set and run (e.g. registers and their values).
  • Setpoint is obtained.
  • Control loop is executed (i.e., where you take the requested value and process it).
    • This includes the P(ID) controller constants.
  • Controller debugging is handled (i.e., terminal print / webpage creation).

3   Additional notes

  • Successful submission of semestral project (and as long as other assignments are successfully submitted) grants you an Assessment/zápočet.
    • It will be given during today (probably).
  • git2 and doc are graded afterwards.
    • Note that the documentation should contain the images in both latex and html version.
    • In addition, documentation is tested from the repository, therefore, try to clone your repository and run doxygen . on both machines. This is the version of the documentation that is checked and evaluated.
  • Final deadline for documentation is on Sunday, January 14, 2024. I expect to evaluate it on Monday.