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Sensor model for the navigation of underwater vehicles by the electric sense." IEEE ROBIO, Tianjin, China, 2010.
Underwater robot navigation around a sphere using electrolocation sense and Kalman filter." IEEE IROS, Taipei, China, 2010.
Model of a sensor inspired by electric fish." IEEE Transactions in Robotics 28 (2012): 492-505.
Dynamic Causal Modeling and subspace identification methods." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7, no. 4 (2012): 365-370.
Electrolocation Sensors in Conducting Water Bio-Inspired by Electric Fish." IEEE Sensors Journal (2013).
Disorders of Balance and Gait in Essential Tremor Are Associated with Midline Tremor and Age." The Cerebellum 12, no. 1 (2013): 27-34.
Synchronizing Region Approach for Identical Linear Time-Invariant Agents." In Control of Complex Systems - Theory and Applications, edited by Kyriakos Vamvoudakis and Sarangapani Jagannathan, 519-548. -: Elsevier, 2016.
Optimization-based Feedback Manipulation Through an Array of Ultrasonic Transducers." In 8th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems MECHATRONICS 2019, edited by Lukasz Jadachowski, 483-488. Vol. 52. Vienna, Austria, 2019. Abstract
Onboard Model-based Prediction of Tram Braking Distance." In IFAC-PapersOnLine, edited by Rolf Findeisen, Sandra Hirche, Klaus Janschek and Martin Mönnigmann, 15047-15052. Vol. 53. Berlin, Germany: Elsevier, 2020. Abstract
Queue discharge-based emergency vehicle traffic signal preemption." In IFAC-PapersOnLine, edited by Rolf Findeisen, Sandra Hirche, Klaus Janschek and Martin Mönnigmann, 14997-15002. Vol. 53. Berlin, Germany: Elsevier, 2020. Abstract