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Small UAV helicopter identification, modelling and control design
Author: Michal Šilhán
Unmanned areial vehicles are remotely piloted or self-piloted ying machines, which can carry cameras, various types of sensors, communication equipment or other payload, the- reout there are many possibilities of their use from humanitarian help, over exploration, to various military purposes. This work concerns with one of these vehicles - small helicopter, which is a part of project RAMA. On RAMA's web pages (http://rtime.felk.cvut.cz/helicopter/) are also available many informations about control of small helicopter. The main goal of this work is identification and estimation of model of this small helicopter, which will be able to help with design of desirable contol system.
- Šilhán Michal, tel: +420 607 528 875, mailto:m.silhan@gmail.com
- Špinka Ondřej, tel: +420 224 355 713, mailto:spinkao@fel.cvut.cz, web: http://c-a-k.cz/new2007/index.php?lang=cz
- Hromčík Martin, tel: +420 224 357 681, mailto:m.hromcik@c-a-k.cz, web: http://c-a-k.cz/new2007/index.php?lang=cz