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PLC control of technological process model

Author: Jozef Fetterik

Bakalářské práce 2008

Download thesis in PDF


The main goal of this bachelor thesis is the reconstruction of an older physical model which is exploited in education of control engineering theory. The model represents a system of coupled tanks with control of liquid level. The principal of the mechanical part are two gear pumps pumping water up into the upper tanks from the bottom one. Both tanks are coupled with a valve. There are two another valves flowing water from each tank to the bottom one. The model is controlled either by a programmable logical controller SLC 500, analog computer Meda or a personal computer from Matlab’s Real-Time toolbox. The local control is available too. The identification of the system with a mathematical description was performed and examples of programs for control were created. At the end of this work there are problems for students to be solved.

Bp 2008 fetterik jozef.pdf