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Support of Education in the K23 Laboratory

Author: Charvát David

Bakalářské práce 2010

Download thesis in PDF

The aim of this thesis is a development of education materials for laboratory models and programmable logic controllers, which are located in the K23 Laboratory (Allen-Bradley). These are models Coupled Tanks V1 - V4, V5 and Water Power Plant E1. Photos were taken and made their descriptions, informations for students and practical exercises instructions. For future extensions were taken photos of other models with a brief description. Furthermore, in the work were developed materials describing the history of the laboratory and its current configuration. Everything is presented in the newly created website on the server of the Department of Control Engineering. Site will serve students in the teaching of control theory, not only in basic courses of bachelor's degree. Most of texts were translated into English.

Bp 2010 charvat david.pdf