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Usage of the Lego Mindstorms Robot 2 - Design and realization of the special projects

Author: Bauer Jiří

Bakalářské práce 2016

Stáhnout práci v PDF

This bachelor thesis describes solution of two projects using LEGO Mindstorms education EV3 building kit. The purpose of those projects is to advertise the Roborace and the lesson A3B99RO Robots at the CTU FEE in Prague. The thesis has four parts, in the first one we learn about the building kit and programming possibilities. In the second one we deal with creating Lego Pinball Machine. We got inspiration from some existing machines, but our goal is to create more entertaining machine. In the third part we solve the task of the line following robot. At first we construct a robot and then we desing a controller for controlling the position of the robot. The last part is about developing web pages, where we demonstrate our solutions of given two projects.

Bp 2016 bauer jiri.pdf
P 2016 bauer jiri.pdf