Bp 91 en

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Hybrid system for generating learning object metadata

Author: Blanka Setíkovská

Bakalářské práce 2007

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This paper describes standards of e‐learning and metadata and their searching. It also contains global characteristic, formats and introduction to problems of metadata in e‐learning. There are several organizations which deal with production of standards/specifications and support of e‐learning’s development. Most important of these organizations (IMS, IEEE, ADL) and their contributes are listed. Higher attention is given to the standard IEEE Standard for Learning Object Meta‐Data Scheme (LOM).

It specifies 79 metadata’s elements important for full description of learning object. The elements are possible to split into three groups: the elements which can be filled in automatically by a program, the elements which pick up values from a list and the elements which have to be filled out by an author of the metadata. Some work saving is possible due to available programs. Finally a hybrid data generator was created and its description is included.

Bp 2007 setikovska blanka.pdf