Bp 185 en

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The intelligent control and security of the houses using the information an communication technology

Author: Michal Zvolánek

Bakalářské práce 2008

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This bachelor study deals with progressive control systems suitable for smart houses. The next section after explanation of technical terms is aimed to describe advantages of intelligent houses. At first was made the analysis of different classes of houses from a particular point of view of the extension of comfort, increase safety, intelligent control and monitoring. The following section describes the various individual solutions of global companies such as Honeywell, Siemens, Schneider Electric and ABB. These systems are compared with the concept of intelligent system INELS. Features of the bus system are described in more details in Chapter 2.4.5. The aim of this study is to create a summary of the most important information in the field of intelligent buildings, and subsequently to use it for drawing up a realistic concept of the selected solution for controlling the intelligent house.

Bp 2008 zvolanek michal.pdf