Bp 371 en

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Cardiotocographic signal analysis

Author: Barbora Březinová

Bakalářské práce 2013

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371 fig.png

Cardiotocography is an examination method which allows monitoring the fetal heart feedback (heart rate - fetal heart rate FHR) and uterine contractions pregnant women. To evaluate cardiotocographic records in the Czech Republic is used assessment according to the FIGO (International Federation of Gynecologists and Obstetricians), which was established in 1986. The aim of this work is suggestion of algorithm, which would help obstetricians and doctors, whose assessments of one CTG are different, evaluate CTG. Analysis of signal can be resumed to the next steps - the removal of artefacts (unwanted signals caused by mistakes of measurement), the search contractions, identification decelerations, accelerations and variability. Result of this work is an algorithm, which assigns types of accelerations, decelerations and variability, and after a slight modification it could be used in hospitals around the world, where it could help to save lives of fetuses.

Bp 2013 brezinova barbora.pdf