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Laboratory model Water power plant was modernized as a model of system with large and variable transport delay by Milan Janeček in his bachelor thesis in 2007 [1]. The system is in present in The K26 laboratory. Into the K23 laboratory will be transported after a finalization of its reconstruction.

At the bottom is the centrifugal pump, turbine-tachogenerator machine set and the reservoir of water with 16 l capacity. The middle part is created from steel construction which carry water-hoses and LED lighting. In the top part of the model are the top reservoir with cca 10 l capacity, four valves and the press sensor of the water level. The bottom and the top part are interconnected with four water-hoses. Two of them feed the water through valves to the vane of turbine. The third water-hose work as a flow-off and with the last water-hose is pumped water from the bottom reservoir into the top.

The electric systems of model work with safe voltage 24 V. Signals are unified for connection with PC via PC-LabCard and with programmable controllers by Rockwell Automation.


  1. JANEČEK, Milan. Model systému s dopravním zpožděním. Praha, 2007. 26 s. Bakalářská práce. ČVUT-FEL, Katedra řídicí techniky. Vedoucí práce Ing. Jindřich Fuka.