

AIME@CZ - Czech workshop on applied mathematics in engineering
Mon, 02/23/2015 - Wed, 02/25/2015

The workshop, organized by Didier Henrion, Josef Malek, Tomas Pajdla, Zdenek Strakos and Miroslav Tuma, aims at reporting recent achievements in applied mathematics in engineering on the Czech scene. It is a follow-up of a series of previous similar workshops that took place in Prague in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014. See more at


Jiří Dostál: Decentralized Pumping in Hydronic Networks
Fri, 02/20/2015

Friday control theory seminar, starting at 2pm at K14 room. Estimated time one hour including discussion. 

Jiří Dostál is a doctoral student at our department (his advisor is prof. Vladimír Havlena) and he is going to inform us about his lates achievements for which he was even awarded the best paper award at 2014 CACS International Automatic Control Conference (CACS 2014).

Dan Martinec: Wave based control - irrational transfer function in control of vehicular platoons
Fri, 02/13/2015

This talk will present an update on a doctoral research in the domain of distributed control of vehicular platoons.  After a brief introduction of basic platooning control algorithms, principles of the Wave based control (WBC) will be explained. We start by deriving the irrational Wave Transfer Function and show a few novel methods how to approximate it with a rational transfer function. Later will be presented how the WBC can be applied in control of vehicular platoons. The talk will be concluded by presenting open problems in the WBC field.

Doc. Petr Horáček: Modeling and simulation of dynamical systems in industry
Fri, 02/06/2015

Friday control theory seminar. This time we will start at 1pm (beware that normally we start the regular friday seminars at 2pm)! The expected duration is 60 to 90 minutes including the discussion. The seminar will be exceptionally held in Zengerova posluchárna on Karlovo náměstí campus.

Dr. Prateek Benhal: AC Electric Field Induced Dipole-Based On-Chip 3D Cell Rotation
Fri, 01/30/2015

Friday control theory seminar starting at 2pm in K14 room.  Our new postdoctoral researcher - Prateek Benhal, who joined the AA4CC team in the late fall 2014, is going to inform us about his achievements during his previous (doctoral) research at University of Canterbury, New Zealand. 

Ivo Herman: Research in distributed control in Jan Lunze's group in Bochum
Fri, 12/12/2014

Starts at 14:00 in K14 room. Abstrakt: A few days ago I returned from a short visit to lab of professor Jan Lunze at Bochum University. I got the opportunity to talk to Ph.D. students there who have been working in distributed control and think that many of their research topics might be also interesting for us. The topics they explore are, e. g., LQR control of heterogenous formations, self-organizing networks or plug and play distributed controller reconfiguration. In some papers they even cite works of our colleagues.

J.J.P. Veerman (Portland State University): Transients in Traffic Like Systems
Wed, 10/22/2014

Another lecture given by the visiting professor J.J.P. Veerman. This lecture will also focus on some aspects of distributed control of distributed systems. The lecture will be given at K14 seminar room of the Department of Control Engineering FEE CTU in Prague, Karlovo namesti 13/E and will start at 3pm. The expected duration is 60 to 90 minutes. Everybody is welcome.

J.J.P. Veerman (Portland State University): Synchronization of large linear oscillator arrays
Mon, 10/20/2014

Everyone is warmly welcome to attend the talk by our guest lecturer. The talk starts at 15:00 at K14 seminar room of the Dept. of Control Engineering FEE CTU in Prague, Karlovo náměstí 13/E. Duration 60 to 90 minutes.

Passive, dissipative, positive-real, bounded-real and all that...
Wed, 10/15/2014

A tutorial lecture on fundamental concepts in dynamical systems theory. Unfortunately these have not found their way into our curriculum and yet you encounter them in every other paper on control and dynamical systems theory. The lecture will be held at at 15:00-16:00 in the K14 seminar room. Recommended for graduate students but interested undergraduates are welcome as well.

Public defense of Ph.D. thesis by Martin Řezáč
Fri, 09/26/2014

Everyone is welcome to attend a public defense of Ph.D. thesis by Martin Řezáč. It will take place at K14 seminar room of Department of Control Engineering FEE CTU at Karlovo náměstí 13/E. It will start at 10am. The topic of Martin's doctoral research was inertial stabilization and estimation and its combination with visual feedback from cameras. His work was motivated by a development of inertially stabilized aerial camera platform, an initiative in which our group participated together with Czech Air Force and Air Defense Technological Institute.