

Haitham Hindi, Ph.D. (Walmart, Inc., USA): Pricing Millions of Products Online - a Data Driven Convex Optimization Approach
Tue, 10/06/2015

Everyone (even from outside the department, faculty, university) is warmly welcome at the talk given by our colleague and friend Haitham Hindi. His talk will start at 10am at K14 seminar room, ground floor of Building E, CVUT campus at Karlovo namesti 13, Praha. The seminar will take 60 minutes including discussion. This seminar will be immediately followed (at 11am) by another talk given by another speaker, see the separate announcement.

Zdeněk Hurák: Hinfinity control vs. impedance matching for a lossless transmission line
Fri, 06/05/2015

An informal working meeting focused on one particular research issue currently investigated by Zdeněk - relationship between the impedance matching for a lossless (linear) transmission line and the Hinf-optimal control. Starting at 2pm at K14 room.

Jakub Drs (FEL ČVUT): Laser-assisted morphing of complex three dimensional glass objects (femtosecond laser machining in glass followed by CO2 laser melting)
Fri, 05/22/2015

Jakub Drs is our final-year student (yep, that is the dude with the long hair:-). He has just returned from a several-month stay with our good colleague - Prof. Yves Bellouard - at EPFL in Lausanne (actually in Neuchâtel). Jakub will report on his work done in Yves' lab in the domain of microfabrication using lasers (before he is going to join him as a PhD student in a few months).

Matthieu Thomas (STMicroelectronics Prague): Control challenges in switched DC-DC converters
Fri, 05/15/2015

Everyone warmly welcome. Start at 2pm, room K14. Expected duration 1 hour.

Pavel Otta: Short tutorial on nonlinear MPC and CasADi software
Fri, 04/24/2015

Regular Friday Control Theory Seminar. Starts at 2pm at K14 room, duration: 60 minutes. Pavel has just returned from a few-day tutorial workshop on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control organized by prof. Moritz Diehl at University of Freiburg. Prof. Diehl is one of the leading researchers in the field of numerical optimal control, see the web of his Systems Control and Optimization group.

Zdeněk Hurák: Short intro to piecewise polynomial approximation using Chebfun
Fri, 04/10/2015

2pm at K14, duration: 60 minutes. Tutorial for one particular concept in numerical computing - piecewise polynomial appoximation of functions over a grid of cleverly chosen (Chebyshev) points. The whole advanced mathematical concept has materialized in the form of a Matlab toolbox - Chebfun, which has been developed by Nick Trefethen's group at Oxford.

Zdeněk Hurák: A few words and whole lotta photos from California...
Fri, 03/27/2015

2pm at K14 room. Informal reporting on the seven-month stay at University of California at Santa Barbara within Fulbright Program in the winter thru summer 2014. A few words, a whole lotta photos from all around California...

Eva Žáčeková and Matěj Pčolka: Identification and Control Aspects of Model Predictive Control
Fri, 03/20/2015

The presentation will introduce some topics related to practical use of model predictive control. Apart from many advantages which MPC brings, a need for reliable mathematical model of the controlled system can be seen as a requirement that is rather complicated to fulfill. This becomes even more delicate in case of real operation where identification experiments are inacceptable due to many economical/operational reasons. Therefore, the first part of the presentation will focus on challenges that accompany identification for model-based control.

Kamil Dolinský: Method of maximum likelihood and its application to identification of mechanical systems
Fri, 03/13/2015

Friday control theory seminar. In K14 at 2pm. One hour. Kamil's talk will be devoted to the experimental identification of mechanical systems such as manipulator robots and similar machines via the method of Least Squares and the Maximum Likelihood method. Related to this problem is the regression problem when regressors are measured with an error with known statistical properties. An introduction to this topic will be also covered.

Kristian Hengster-Movric: Synchronizing Region Approach to Identical LTI System State Synchronization Distributed Control - Continuous and discrete-time systems, state, output-feedback and delays
Fri, 02/27/2015

Friday control theory seminar. Starts as usual: 2pm at K14. Open to anyone, even interested students and colleagues from other departments.