

Bc. Viktorie Černochová (VŠCHT): Micro-scale object positioning by electromagnetic actuation system based on LabVIEW
Tue, 05/31/2016

A graduate student from the University of Chemistry and Technology (VŠCHT) who is conducting research in "chemical robotics lab" of prof. František Štěpánek in the domain of electromagnetic micromanipulation is going to share with us the results of her final thesis. The seminar will start at 14:00 am at K14 seminar room.

Dr. Dariusz Horla (Poznan University of Technology): Control engineering problems at the Institute of Control and Information Engineering of PUT
Tue, 05/24/2016

Everybody is welcome to attend this presentation of our two visiting professors from Poznan University of Technology in Poland - Dr. Dariusz Horla and Dr. Wojciech Giernacki. They are staying with us the whole week, May 23-27, and this seminar is an opportunity to see what they (and their colleagues) are doing. The seminar will take place in K26 lab (not in the K14 seminar room as usual), will start at 10 am and will take 1 hour.

Jan Smíšek (ESA and TU Delft): Teleoperation and shared autonomy research at the ESA Telerobotic & Haptics Lab
Fri, 05/13/2016

Everyone welcome to a seminar given by our former grad student, currently a research engineer at ESA and a Ph.D. student at TU Delft. The seminar will take place in the K14 seminar room at 10:00-11:00.

Farnaz Adib Yaghmaie (Ph.D. student at Nanyang Technological University): Output Regulation of Linear Heterogeneous Agents
Thu, 04/14/2016

Talk given by a visiting Ph.D. student. In K14 seminar room, at 10:00. Everyone welcome.

Prof. Konstantin E. Starkov (CITEDI, Mexico): Dynamical Properties and Tumor Clearance Conditions for Multidimensional Models of Bladder Cancer Immunotherapy
Tue, 04/05/2016

Our colleagues at ÚTIA AVČR invite everyone to a lecture given by their guest speaker. The lecture will be given at room #203 at the main building of ÚTIA, Pod vodárenskou věží4, Praha 8, at 10:00-11:30.


Prof. Noboru Sakamoto (Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan): Engineering applications of stable manifold method for nonlinear optimal control
Fri, 03/18/2016

Everybody is welcome at another Friday Control Theory seminar featuring a special guest - prof. Noboru Sakamoto. The seminar will start at 11am at K14 room and will take 60 minutes.

Pavel Otta: How to control vehicle engine considering roadway slope - part I
Fri, 03/04/2016

At 11am, in the room K14, Pavel (doctoral student supervised by Vladimir Havlena) is going to give us some update on his work in optimal control for vehicles. Vehicle model is known. Roadway slope for long distance journey is given. How we can find a speed profile for which fuel consumption is minimal in reasonable time?

Boris Päkkilä (Tomsk Polytechnic University): Recursive identification of welding process' parameters and investigation of contact resistance's temperature coefficient
Wed, 02/10/2016

Boris is approaching the end of his several-month stay with us and he is eager to present his achievements. Everyone is welcome at 2pm at K14 room.

Abstract: In this talk the investigation and comparison of recursive identificaton methods (RLSM, Kalman filtering) for welding process case will be presented. Also, resistance's temperature coefficient calculation will be demonstrated and following consequences well be made. Whole investigation was based on experimental data which
consists information about welding current, voltage of welding circuit and contact voltage.

Boris Päkkilä (Tomsk Polytechnic University): Identification of welding process's electrical parameters
Fri, 10/30/2015

(Ir)regular Friday control theory seminar. Starts at 2pm, duration one hour. Room K14. The speaker is a PhD student from Tomsk Polytechnic University who has just started his several-month visit at AA4CC group.

Ginger Holt, Ph.D. (Hewlett-Packard, USA): ARMA alphabet soup
Tue, 10/06/2015

Everyone (even from outside the department, faculty, university) is warmly welcome at the talk given by our guest speaker Ginger Holt. Her talk will start at 11am at K14 seminar room, ground floor of Building E, CVUT campus at Karlovo namesti 13, Praha. The seminar will take 60 minutes including discussion.