

Vadim Onufriev (Tomsk Polytechnical University): Real Interpolation Method: Application for Technical Objects Control
Fri, 11/22/2013

An informal presentation of a doctoral student visiting our department/group. The presentation starts at 2pm and takes place at K14 room. Everyone interested in methods ofor systems identification is welcome.

Dr. Kristian Hengster-Movrić: Cooperative control of multi-agent systems: Stability, optimality and robustness
Fri, 11/15/2013

Everyone is welcome to attend a talk given by Dr. Kristian Hengster-Movrić - a new member of the AA4CC group at Department of Control Engineering FEE CTU in Prague. The talk will be given at KN:E-14 room at Karlovo namesti 13/E, Prague. It will start at 2pm and will take 60 minutes including a discussion.

Petr Horáček (Rockwell Automation): Modeling and simulations of dynamical systems in industry
Fri, 11/08/2013

Petr Horáček - a recognized expert on modeling, simulation and control of industrial systems - will share with us his experience with practical industrial challenges for modeling and simulation. The talk will be given within the undegraduate course on Modeling and simulation of dynamical systems (MSD) (lead by Zdeněk Hurák) on Friday, November 8, 2013, at 11am at T2:C3-132 room in Technická 2 (campus in Dejvice). Anyone is welcome, the room is large enough.

Dan Martinec: Wave-based control of vehicular platoons
Wed, 07/31/2013

An informal presentation of research results achieved recently by Dan in the domain of control of vehicular platoons. Takes places in K14 room and starts at 11:00am.

Dr. Ibragim Junussov : Adaptive synchronization in some dynamical networks
Wed, 07/03/2013

The seminar starts at 9:00. The lecture by our new postdoctoral researcher - Dr. Ibragim Junussov - will take about 30 minutes. In his talk Ibragim will describe his previous research conducted under supervision of Prof. A. Fradkov,  The issues addressed in the talk are:

1. Brief description of Fradkov Passification Method

2. Adaptive synchronization in heterogeneous networks consisting of nonlinear dynamical systems (Lurie systems) with interconnections treated as a disturbances.

Prof. Tomáš Vyhlídal (FS ČVUT): Aplikace spektrálních metod v syntéze řízení systémů s dopravním zpožděním
Mon, 07/01/2013

Přednáška začne v 16:00 v místnosti K14 v budově E na Karlově náměsti 13/E. Přednáška bude věnována problematice spektrální analýzy a syntézy systémů se zpožděním, a to s důrazem na výsledky dosažené přednášejícím a jeho spolupracovníky. V rámci úvodu do problematiky lineárních systémů se zpožděním, bude na několika příkladech demonstrována tvorba matematických modelů se zpožděním. Následně bude proveden úvod do spektrálních vlastností těchto systémů a bude demonstrován algoritmus pro výpočet části kořenů nekonečného spektra.

Prof. Jinjun Shan (York University, Toronto): Active Shape Control of Membrane Structures
Fri, 05/10/2013

Everyone is wellcome to attend the talk given by a guest speaker - Prof. Jinjun Shan from York University in Toronto. The talk will be given in the time slot 11:00-12:00 at room K14, Building E, Karlovo náměstí campus of CTU in Prague.

Dr. Jaroslav Pekař (Honeywell Prague Laboratory): Application of Advanced Modeling and Control Methods to Internal Combustion Engines
Fri, 04/19/2013

Everyone is invited to a public talk on industrial applications of advanced control given by a research engineer from Honeywell Prague Laboratory (and a former PhD graduate of DCE FEE CTU) - Dr. Jaroslav Pekař. The one-hour talk will start at 10:00am at K14 seminar room, building E at Karlovo namesti campus.

Doc. Michal Kvasnica (STU Bratislava): Hybrid systems and predictive control
Thu, 04/18/2013

Everyone is welcome to a half-day tutorial session on hybrid systems and model predictive control. The event will take place on Thursday, April 18, in K24 room. The first part  will start at 9:15 and will finish at 12:00. The second half will start at 14:30 and will last till (about) 16:30. In absence of non-Czech or -Slovak speaking attendants, the lecture will be given in Slovak, otherwise it will be given in English.

Prof. Bassam Bamieh (University of California, Santa Barbara): Coherence in Large Dynamical Networks: Limitations of Local Feedback
Mon, 03/18/2013

Department of Control Engineering, FEE CTU in Prague invites anyone to a public talk given by Prof. Bassam Bamieh (University of California, Santa Barbara). The talks is organized thanks to the IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer Program (with partial suppport from its national chapter as well).