

PhD thesis defence of Tomáš Haniš - Active control for high capacity flexible aircraft
Fri, 05/25/2012

Tomáš Haniš is close to the grand finale. Everybody is welcome to the defence of his thesis. Starting 12:30 in K14 room at our department at Karlovo náměstí 13/E.

Didier Henrion: Measures and LMI for space launcher robust control validation
Thu, 04/19/2012

Talk given by Didier Henrion, starting at 2pm in K14 room. Everyone welcome.

Didier Henrion: Short course on "Polynomial optimisation, LMI and dynamical systems"
Wed, 04/18/2012

Short course given by Didier Henrion. Room K14. Starting 9am and lasting till the noon.

Graphical System Design in Controls, Mechatronics and Robotics – a seminar by National Instruments
Tue, 03/20/2012

Time: 8:30 - 13:00
Room: KN:E-2
Location: CTU in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Karlovo namesti 13, Prague 2, Building E

National Instruments is proud to present a hands-on seminar organized in cooperation with the Department of Control Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU in Prague. Join this event to learn about the latest trends in engineering education and research and gain practical skills in graphical programming with NI LabVIEW.

Inertially stabilized camera platform on Czech TV
Fri, 02/17/2012

Watch the Channel 2 on Czech TV on Friday, February 17, at 16:25. The popular PORT magazine about recent achievements in science and technology starts. This time dedicated to the project of inertially stabilized aerial camera platform in which we are participating.

Martin Řezáč: Some results with implementation of inertial estimation schemes
Thu, 12/08/2011

Informal seminar for people working in the domain of inertial estimation. The talk given by Martin Rezac. In this talk he summarizes his implementation of orientation estimation using inertial sensors and complementary filtering techniques. Experimental results are shown. We start at 9am at K14 room.

AIME@CZ - Czech workshop on applied math in engineering
Tue, 11/15/2011 - Wed, 11/16/2011

The goal of this informal two-day workshop is to bring together a few researchers from diverse domains of applied math and math-related related engineering branches who have been living/working just next door (in the city of Prague) and see the recent achievements in applied mathematics in engineering on the Czech scene.The ambition is also to stimulate a collaboration between groups. Tentative list of speakiers In alphabetical order: 

Seminar on distributed control of platoons of vehicles using n-D systems theory
Wed, 10/26/2011

Department of Control Engineering at FEE CTU in Prague is inviting everyone to attend the seminar on the topic of "Distributed control of platoons of vehicles using n-D systems theory". The talk will be given by together by Prof. Michael Sebek and Dr. Zdenek Hurak. The seminar will start at 10am at Room 14, Karlovo namesti 13/E, Praha.